A Key Snapped off Inside the Lock - a field guide -

On 21st July 2022 The Silent Academy will launch the third edition of it’s monthly hand-stitched publication: ‘- a field guide - ’

Each month, employing dream logic ‘- a field guide -’ offer a sequence of instructions and insights into the process between thoughts. 

Each month’s field guide takes a minimalist excursion through a different theme, shaped by contemporary concerns, fears, fascinations and events.

Every field guide is written & illustrated by Andrew Shaw. Every field guide features a centre page spread from Philip Newcombe. This third edition features an inserted photograph from Fu Kō.

‘A Key Snapped off Inside the Lock’ - a field guide - 003 will be available online via the Silent Academy website, or anywhere you buy print media - simply ask for ‘a field guide  ISSN 2753-8184’

Visit the Silent Academy Store for product specs.

Designed to fit in your pocket.

Please read slowly.

(Accompanying videos sourced from global travels, rediscovered hard drives, and found footage.)


Describing a Glass Bottle to the Sky - a field guide -


Philip Newcombe - “Blink”