again and again


Limited edition, unbound art book.

Title: again and again

Author: Stanley White

Page count: 3 unbound pages. Handmade. Individually typed.

Trim: 21cm x 21 cm

Publish date: 2021

Editions 1 of 1


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‘again and again’ is Part 2 of a piece called ‘Three’ which also includes ‘on and on’ and ‘over and over’

In keeping with our working relationship with Stanley White, the Silent Academy imprint, meantime press uses an Olivetti Lettera 32 typewriter to type-up his work which he sends to us in the post.

For ’Three’, Stanley issued a simple instruction: 

“Type the individual letters of these words on top of each other in the centre of a piece of paper for as long as you feel is right. Then stop”. 

These works are sold as individual pieces at £21 but can only be purchased together by one person, as an Edition of 1, for £63.

The Silent Academy and meantime take no profit from the work of Stanley White.

on and on
whale noise and sleeping pills
over and over
Waiting - Images 001-003
Waiting 004